bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research-topics/energy/ Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:31:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2018/08/android-chrome-256x256-80x80.png bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research-topics/energy/ 32 32 bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/transition-renewables-a-new-opec/ Wed, 26 Jul 2023 10:39:50 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=39033 OPEC and its affect on crude oil prices.  The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, was established in 1960, with five founding members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and...

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The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, was established in 1960, with five founding members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. OPEC’s primary objective was to unify petroleum policies and secure fair prices for its member countries, which has since expanded to include 13 core members. According to current estimates, 80.4% of the world’s proven oil reserves are located in OPEC Member Countries, with the bulk of OPEC oil reserves in the Middle east, amounting to 67.1% of the OPEC total.1 Central to OPEC’s power is its ability to leverage its collective influence to manipulate global supply and demand dynamics, thereby influencing prices. Reductions in production create market scarcity, driving prices upward, while increases result in a surplus, leading to price decreases. Decisions on production quotas are made during OPEC meetings, where member nations negotiate and coordinate their strategies. 

The United States is on the cliff of its third energy revolution in 100 years. 

Up to this point, renewables have only played a minor role in US power generation; in order to fulfill the promises of a net-zero emissions scenario by 2030, 2040, or 2050…wherever the target is now! 

The shift from a fuel-intensive to a material-intensive energy system powered by renewables will rely on a supply chain for critical minerals and rare earth metals controlled by only a handful of countries. 

Where is this fuel coming from?

The materials necessary for our smart phones, high technology devices, consumer and industrial batteries, electric vehicles, renewable energy infrastructure, all require the metals and rare earth elements whose supply is currently controlled by a small group of countries, led by China.

China has emerged as a dominant force in the processing of these raw materials into usable forms, driven by domestic resource availability, cost-effective labor, and advanced processing technologies. An underlying reason for China’s preeminence is the hesitation of many countries to engage in environmentally impactful processing activities associated with critical minerals. The processing journey from raw materials to refined forms involves extraction, beneficiation, smelting, and refining; processes that generate waste, release pollutants, and have adverse ecological effects on the environment. China’s willingness to engage in processing activities, albeit with varying environmental standards, has allowed it to become a global bottleneck in the green-energy metal supply chain.

This bottleneck extends to both processed raw materials and finished goods (wind turbines, electric vehicle batteries, and battery energy storage systems) contributing to China’s dominance in the sector. As the world strives for renewable energy solutions, the reliance on China for processing and manufacturing introduces potential vulnerabilities in supply chains, affecting availability and affordability.

Where are the clean-energy technologies manufactured?

Answer: China

To recap, China controls a portion of the mine supply, a significant majority of the processing, and an even more significant majority of the manufacturing of clean-energy technologies. They are vertically integrated; a term that describes a business strategy in bodog poker review which a company owns or controls different stages of the supply chain of a product or service.

So what will the largest consumers of renewables and clean-energy technologies, the US & Europe, do if China decides to turn off the spout for say, a raw material…we’re about to find out. 

On July 4th (of all days) China announced a curb on exports of Gallium and Germanium, two of the rare earth elements critical to chipmaking and electronics. 

It’s not just a China problem…the risk of a new OPEC is real.

Argentina and Chile has the world’s second- and third-largest reserves of Lithium, respectively. Those countries, along with their neighbor Bolivia, make up the “Lithium Triangle”. The US imports roughly 91% of its lithium from the Lithium Triangle, primarily Chile. 

At the end of April 2023, Chile’s President announced the nationalization of its lithium reserves, which could signal the imminent rise of protectionist measures on a global scale, with a focus on these core green energy metals and rare earths. Our reliance on lithium is set to grow even further. Recently, MIT scientists created a solid-state lithium battery that surpasses the performance of current battery technologies5. As newer technologies demand even greater quantities of lithium, the US is likely to accept the nationalization of, and its short- to medium-term dependence on, Chilean lithium, while exploring alternative sources in countries with more favorable business environments. 

As the world accelerates its shift towards renewable energy, the concentration of green-energy metal reserves and processing capabilities in a limited group of countries raises concerns about pricing power and supply chain resilience; this could give rise to a new cartel of metal exporting countries, OMEC. 

The United States, Europe, and other developed nations, as major consumers of these materials, will have to deal with this group…but it’s likely that China will be setting the price for now. 



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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/europe-energy-transition-ukraine/ Fri, 10 Jun 2022 20:44:33 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=33922 The war in Ukraine has prompted a wholesale reassessment of the European energy environment. The EU is trying to end its dependence on Russian fossil fuels as quickly as possible...

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The war in Ukraine has prompted a wholesale reassessment of the European energy environment. The EU is trying to end its dependence on Russian fossil fuels as quickly as possible while avoiding economic repercussions and meeting climate targets through increased renewable energy production.

At the core of the EU’s response is the RePowerEU scheme, which aims to address all three concerns simultaneously. Announced in mid-May, RePowerEU, along with existing components of the European Green Deal, presents a generational opportunity for businesses across the Atlantic to engage with European governments, from the EU to the local level, to build a new energy ecosystem, rooted in energy independence and renewables. At the core of the package is a contradiction: the need to support short-term investment in fossil fuels to mitigate rising prices and the effects of sanctions and the need to speed up long-term investment in renewables. The extent to which the package leans towards the former or latter will likely be the subject of much debate as it turns to implementation.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have already expressed their discontent with the European Commission’s proposal to include financing for new oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure. The package is also tangled in a debate in the European Parliament over reforms to the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), a sort of cap-and-trade scheme, with criticism of the Commission’s plan to fund RePowerEU by selling more carbon credits. While the proceeds would be mostly used to fund new renewable energy projects, the effective outcome would be to increase Europe’s total carbon emissions in the short run.

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To read the full report by the Albright Stonebridge Group, please click here.



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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/war-reshaping-world-trade/ Mon, 09 May 2022 17:21:38 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=33753 The war in Ukraine is causing worldwide disruptions to trade and investment, affecting auto makers in Europe, hoteliers in Georgia and the Maldives, as well as impacting consumers of food...

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The war in Ukraine is causing worldwide disruptions to trade and investment, affecting auto makers in Europe, hoteliers in Georgia and the Maldives, as well as impacting consumers of food and fuel globally. Although the world’s poor—who spend a large part of their incomes on life’s necessities—are the most vulnerable, no country, region, or industry is left untouched by these disruptions.

A new World Bank report — The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Trade and Investment — shows that world trade will drop by one percent, lowering global GDP by just under one percent. Manufacturing exporters such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Mexico see a sharp decline, especially in energy intensive sectors. Net exporters of crops, including Turkey, Brazil, and India, and of fossil fuels, such as Nigeria and countries in the Middle East, see a surge in their exports, attenuating the negative effects of the war. The economic shock waves are moving through five channels: commodity markets, logistics networks, supply chains, foreign direct investment (FDI), and sectors such as tourism. 

The war comes at a difficult moment for the world economy. The recovery from the pandemic-induced recession has been slowing as new coronavirus variants emerged sand governments reined in spending. Rising inflation has prompted the Federal Reserve and other major central banks to raise interest rates. Disruptions in world trade and investment will curb growth in developing countries and add to price pressures.  

Food and energy 

The potential for a food crisis is the most alarming concern. Prices of wheat and other grains have already soared. In 2019, Russia and Ukraine combined, accounted for 25 percent of the world’s wheat exports and 14 percent of corn shipments . Many countries around the world are heavily dependent on these flows. The Republic of Congo, for example, relies on imports from the Black Sea region for 67 percent of the wheat it consumes.  

After food prices, energy prices are the most directly affected. Russia is one of the world’s biggest energy suppliers, providing 14 percent of its crude oil and 9 percent of its natural gas globally.  Our simulation generates a 7 percent increase in the price of crude oil, which in turn raises the costs of transportation and production in manufacturing, leading to a drop in exports (Figure 1). Higher prices for natural gas, a key ingredient for ammonia fertilizer, will push up costs for farmers and reduce crop yields, further exacerbating food shortages. 

Figure 1: Change in exports relative to reference year as a share of real GDP  

Change in exports relative to reference year as a share of real GDP
Source: Chepeliev et al. (2022).

Trade-policy interventions risk making a bad situation worse (Figure 2). Export restrictions further reduce global supply, while import liberalization measures and subsidies increase demand. Since the beginning of the war in late February, 67 new trade policies have been imposed or announced. Export restrictions alone have added seven percentage points to the price of wheat and risk igniting a tit-for-tat escalation.  

Figure 2: International wheat prices and trade policy measures

International wheat prices and trade policy measures
Source: Ruta et al. (2022).

Input shortages and other disruptions 

The war and resulting sanctions have severed key transport links between Russia and Ukraine and the rest of the world, disrupting trade more broadly . Russia’s connections to European ports have been cut, and commodity exports to other destinations have been constrained. Ukraine’s Black Sea ports have been blockaded or occupied, leaving the country few routes for its commodity exports. Air freight between Europe and Asia must now be rerouted to avoid Russian airspace. Rail transit through bodog online casino Russia is slowing due to checks for sanctions compliance, and further rounds of sanctions could risk halting rail transit entirely.  

Disruptions to global and regional supply chains have caused input shortages and price hikes. Ukraine is a key supplier of inputs, including ignition cables for autos, neon gas for semiconductors, and iron ore for steel mills. Companies making transport equipment, machinery, electronics, and food products are especially reliant on Russian metals, chemicals, fertilizers, and other commodities.  

Russia and Ukraine aren’t major players in the world’s FDI networks, but the war will nevertheless have an impact on some countries and industries. Armenia, Moldova, and the Kyrgyz Republic depend heavily on Russian investment. And European countries including Finland, Germany, and Norway have major stakes in Russia’s energy sector.  

Tourism will also suffer, especially in developing countries. Georgia and Montenegro are highly dependent on Russian and Ukrainian visitors. A decline in global tourism will at least temporarily stall the industry’s post-pandemic recovery, as scheduled flights are disrupted and consumers reassess their travel plans. 

What are the war’s likely long-term effects?

Some fear that the war will lead to a corrosion of globalization – the engine of growth and development for the past 30 years. Our analysis shows that firms will re-assess geopolitical risks and may move production away from countries they see as riskier, possibly reshaping global value chains to some extent. But given the capital in place, the cost of searching for alternatives, and wage differentials across countries, this process is likely to be gradual rather than sudden. And it will not result in a reversal of globalization unless it is supported by pronounced government intervention.  

The big unknown and risk comes from policies aiming at fragmenting the trade system rather than defusing tensions and strengthening global value chains against future disruptions.

The Impact of the War on Ukraine on Trade and Investment -- The World Bank

To read the full report from the World Bank, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/nickel-electrify-china-indonesia/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 13:45:41 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=33356 The success of the global march toward “decarbonization” depends on the complicated logistics that support it, along with the convoluted strategies that form its underpinning. The process of shoring up...

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The success of the global march toward “decarbonization” depends on the complicated logistics that support it, along with the convoluted strategies that form its underpinning. The process of shoring up supply chains is a prerequisite to sound strategic planning: Without robust supply chains, even the most elaborate blueprint for implementation will prove ostentatious in practice. The global push for electrification, as worthy a cause as it may be, is not immune to such realities. Indeed, the global push to electrify is creating new tensions and complexities that, if not properly managed and mitigated, will undermine the much-discussed “energy transition.” Emerging markets and developing countries are central to the “decarb” and electrification push, and are themselves maneuvering to attain advanced country status and a higher quality of life for their citizens. Minerals and the materials derived from them are at the heart of energy transition strategies, and emerging markets and developing economies are the overwhelming providers. The industrialized world brushes these realities under the rug in favor of self-aggrandizing agenda-setting, and, in doing so, engenders critical supply risks and the potential for further environmental degradation.

Widely ignored, although gaining attention, is China’s strategic positioning as a crucial gatekeeper to several key “green” technologies, including battery energy storage to support electric vehicles (EVs)—specifically, battery electric vehicles (BEVs)—along with stationary storage for power grids. China also dominates in other technologies including wind and solar components, controls, sensors, and communications—a gamut of industrial equipment, including much that is pertinent for defense. BEV designs have come to dominate the energy transition strategies of many governments along with those of large automakers and startups, since BEVs are regarded as providing the maximum reduction in tailpipe emissions. Having little of its own capacity for manufacturing traditional vehicles, and being a large (and growing) net importer of oil, natural gas, and petroleum products, China’s government and business elites have emphasized EV designs and production.

China’s powerful model of economic soft power has crept into commodity warehouses, EV factories, and everything in between, granting Chinese entities significant control over several links of these critical supply chains. In an era of unparalleled geopolitical friction, how China’s dominance will affect emissions reduction goals in places like the United States and Europe remains to be seen. Reports of human rights abuses in Xinjian and the political status of Hong Kong and Taiwan are key issues that close the door for cooperation with China on climate change. Thus, the success of EVs, much less anything else in the energy transition hopper, cannot be divorced from the geopolitics of the day. China’s inordinate influence over natural resource-producing and -exporting countries could translate to leverage in its revisionist power plays.

Accompanying the vigorous drive toward alternative energy technologies is the unavoidable pressure on the global supply of critical base metals. Nickel is no exception. In our report and case study we examine tensions in nickel supply and value chains within the context of broad aspirations to electrify transport.


To read the full report from Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, please click here

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/us-reduce-russian-energy/ Tue, 08 Mar 2022 19:35:54 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=32714 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought into stark relief the national security consequences of European reliance on Russian natural gas and global reliance on Russian oil. Russia accounts for more...

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought into stark relief the national security consequences of European reliance on Russian natural gas and global reliance on Russian oil. Russia accounts for more than a third of all natural gas consumed in Europe and is the second-largest oil exporter in the world, which is constraining US, European, and other allies’ responses to Russian aggression in Ukraine. This note outlines specific policy options available to the US government to reduce EU and global dependence on Russian energy, while continuing to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


To read the full report by the Rhodium Group, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/renewable-shift-mineral-exports/ Sun, 30 Jan 2022 21:37:41 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=32857 The world’s transition to sustainable energy systems has suddenly become a boon to countries rich in critical minerals used in clean energy technologies like rechargeable batteries, solar panels, wind turbines,...

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The world’s transition to sustainable energy systems has suddenly become a boon to countries rich in critical minerals used in clean energy technologies like rechargeable batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles. Among these critical minerals are aluminum, coltan, copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, rare earths, lithium, tantalum, and cobalt. Given that these minerals are key to building sustainable energy systems, vital for ensuring military might, and often extremely valuable, will countries with large, exportable endowments of these minerals fall prey to the resource curse? Hendrix says these countries may find their newfound wealth to be a mixed blessing. The size of the markets for these resources and their marginal production costs suggest that they do not have the potential to generate massive rents the way that oil and gas production have. Given that these rents are the source of many ills—authoritarianism, reduced investment in human capital, poor human rights records—this is good news. But because several of these minerals can be mined artisanally, they may lead to governance challenges related to armed conflict. Their status as strategic resources will invite major power meddling and interventions—but only if mineral-rich economies are forced to align themselves and access to their resources with a major power, like the United States or China. The 20th century’s scramble to secure oil resources led to cursed dynamics in oil-rich societies, but historical precedent is not destiny. Mineral-rich countries may avoid the resource curse, especially if they develop diverse bodog sportsbook review investment and trading relationships to balance major power interests in their mineral wealth and embrace industry- and civil society–led good governance initiatives around mineral resources.


To read the full report by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/global-energy-innovation-critical/ Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:31:48 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=31839 National governments made commitments during the November 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow that will keep the goal of limiting global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees...

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National governments made commitments during the November 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow that will keep the goal of limiting global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius only barely “within reach.” These promises will ring hollow unless nations act with urgency to accelerate innovation that will make climate solutions feasible, affordable, and reliable in the coming decades. The International Energy Agency (IEA) concluded at Glasgow that “a step-change in action and ambition is needed across all energy technologies and sectors.”

Unfortunately, such action has been lacking since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. The health of the global energy innovation system is anemic, far from the robust condition the world needs it to be in.


To read the full report by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/decarbonizing-heavy-industry/ Thu, 24 Jun 2021 18:53:34 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=28499 Heavy industry makes products that are central to our modern way of life but is also responsible for nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions. Steel, cement, and chemicals...

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Heavy industry makes products that are central to our modern way of life but is also responsible for nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions. Steel, cement, and chemicals are the top three emitting industries and are among the most difficult to decarbonize, owing to technical factors like the need for very high heat and process emissions of carbon dioxide, and economic factors including low profit margins, capital intensity, long asset life, and trade exposure.

Steelmaking uses coal both as a source of heat and as part of the chemical process of converting iron ore to elemental iron. Both of these uses produce carbon dioxide. Eliminating CO₂ emissions from steelmaking requires a change in process. Using hydrogen as the heat source and the chemical reducing agent can eliminate CO₂ emissions, or carbon capture can remove them. Steel can also be recycled without CO₂ emissions, but demand for steel is too large to be met with recycled steel alone.

Cement production also releases CO₂ as part of the chemical process, in this case when limestone is heated to very high temperature to produce calcium oxide “clinker,” the cement’s primary component. Other substances can be mixed with clinker while still maintaining cement quality, but the primary method of decarbonizing the sector is to capture the CO₂ and store or find a use for it.

The chemical industry is different from the other two, encompassing many thousands of processes and products. However, more than 90% of “organic,” or carbon-containing, chemicals are derived from just a few building blocks, which are produced in large quantities and traded internationally. The chemical industry is also unique in that it uses coal, oil, and natural gas as feedstocks that are transformed into final products, not just sources of energy. Fossil fuels will likely still be feedstocks in a zero-carbon world, with process electrification and zero-carbon hydrogen as methods of removing CO₂ emissions. Ammonia is crucial for fertilizer and although it does not contain carbon, hydrogen needed for its production is today made from natural gas, with carbon dioxide as a by-product.


To read the full report from the Brookings Institute, please click here.


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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/us-leadership-low-carbon-economy/ Thu, 10 Jun 2021 14:55:12 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=28527 Majorities of Democrats and Republicans—in Washington, DC, and around the country—agree on the goal of rebuilding the nation’s manufacturing sector. This sector has historically been a key job creator, with...

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Majorities of Democrats and Republicans—in Washington, DC, and around the country—agree on the goal of rebuilding the nation’s manufacturing sector. This sector has historically been a key job creator, with spillovers rippling across broad regions of the country and helping to lift many workers without a college education into the middle class. A strong manufacturing base creates a more resilient and equitable economy, accelerates innovation, strengthens international competitiveness, and improves national security.

At the same time, a growing majority of Americans (along with the vast majority of scientists) are alarmed or concerned about climate change and perceive it to be an important priority for the federal government, although public opinion is less unified on this issue than on manufacturing. If the world is to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement, the United States, along with other major world economies, will have to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions dramatically over the next three decades. The quest for net-zero emissions will touch every sector of the global economy.

Until very recently, these two national challenges have been treated largely within their own policy silos. Policies that sought to address the decline in U.S. manufacturing were not motivated by or centered on the need to transition to a net-zero economy. Climate policies focused primarily on the electricity system, even though that sector accounts for only about 25 percent of total U.S. emissions, and devoted little energy to addressing manufacturing, which may soon become the largest emissions sector.


To read the full report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_Figure 2: International /atp-research/latin-america-cross-border-electricity/ Tue, 08 Jun 2021 14:13:51 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=28373 Regional or cross-border trade of electricity would be beneficial for all trading partners for multiple reasons. However, cross-border electricity trade in Latin America is limited, and the potential benefits have...

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Regional or cross-border trade of electricity would be beneficial for all trading partners for multiple reasons. However, cross-border electricity trade in Latin America is limited, and the potential benefits have been forfeited. This study estimates the potential savings on electricity supply costs if 20 Latin American countries allowed unrestricted trade of electricity between the borders without expanding their current electricity generation capacity. Two hypothetical electricity trade scenarios—unconstrained trade of electricity between the countries within the Andean, Central, and Mercosur subregions and full regional trade involving all 20 countries are simulated using a power system model. The study shows that the volume of cross-border electricity trade would increase by 13 and 29 percent under the subregional and regional scenarios, respectively. The region would gain US$1.5 billion annually under the subregional scenario and almost US$2 billion under the full regional scenario. More than half of this gain would be realized by the Andean subregion under both scenarios. These are short-term benefits without expanding the current electricity generation capacities. In the future, when countries add more generation capacity to meet their increasing demand, the potential benefits of electricity trade would be higher. A further study is needed to measure the increased benefits in the long run.


To read the full report Bodog Poker from The World Bank Group, please click here.

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