bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply Thu, 02 Nov 2023 20:18:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2018/08/android-chrome-256x256-80x80.png bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply 32 32 bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/digital-trade-services-globalization/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:58:12 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=40294   Digitalization is allowing more services than ever to be traded internationally.   Digital Trade in Services Is Good for America The United States is a powerhouse in services and especially...

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Digital Trade in Services Is Good for America

The United States is a powerhouse in services and especially digital‐​friendly services. U.S. services exports grew from $563 billion in 2010 to $897 billion in 2022, a 42 percent increase. A lot of that growth either is or could be connected to digital technology. More than 80 percent of U.S. services exports could, at least in principle, be delivered digitally. In 2020, U.S. exports of information and communication technology–adjacent services totaled $520 billion. Export growth has been especially strong in cloud computing and data services ($397 million in 2010 to $6.9 billion in 2021), computer services ($10.1 billion to $45.2 billion), research and development ($22.2 billion to $47.2 billion), and professional services ($48.7 billion to $132.5 billion).

The other things to keep in mind are that the digital economy is large and growing and that services are a much larger portion of the overall economy than goods. In 2019, the digital economy was roughly a 10th of American gross domestic product, and from 2005 to 2019, it grew at more than double the rate of the nondigital economy. Roughly two‐​thirds of the global economy and more than three‐​quarters of the American economy are services, not goods. The growth potential for digital trade in services is enormous. The more that services can be traded internationally, the more customers American service firms have access to.

Some of the most high‐​profile American businesses that benefit from this are the Big Tech firms: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Meta. These are five of the most important companies in the American economy—and arguably the world. The more of their services that they can sell abroad (e.g., Microsoft and Amazon’s cloud computing, Google’s search and advertising, Apple’s media content, and Meta’s social media and WhatsApp), the better it is for those firms’ workers and shareholders, most of whom are American. Those benefits then spread to the wider economy; one technology sector job supports, on average, five other jobs in the economy. A worker at one of these businesses, or any other business that can better sell its services globally, has more disposable income that they can then spend on local goods and services. Moreover, millions of Americans’ retirement savings plans, such as a 401(k), include one or more of these companies’ stocks. These firms contribute significantly to the U.S. tax base, and they provide services that delight consumers, often for free. There are a lot of ways in which the success of these companies strengthen America. To the extent that U.S. policy encourages more globally liberalized trade in services and thus helps these companies succeed, those policies make America better.

Moreover, the benefits of digital services do not merely accrue to this small handful of firms but are instead (and encouragingly) widely dispersed throughout the economy. In 2022, Apple’s App Store facilitated over $1 trillion in commerce, more than double what it did in 2019. Cloud bodog casino computing is another good example. As the Congressional Research Service notes, “One driver of the diffusion of the benefits of the internet and digitization has been cloud computing. Cloud services have been called the great equalizer, since they generally allow small companies access to the same information and the same computing power as large firms using a flexible, scalable, and on‐​demand model.” Not only that, but digital services increasingly undergird the movement of physical goods. For example, in 2018, Walmart partnered with IBM to create a blockchain‐​enabled food traceability system that helps prevent foodborne illness outbreaks. Manufacturing increasingly comes packaged with services, many of which are digital in nature, that add considerable value. So, for example, a manufacturing firm might hire another firm to do product design or supply chain optimization; those services end up embedded in the value of the product, but the design expertise and supply chain expertise are communicated across borders digitally. These services add value to the manufactured product while also reducing costs. Service exports also support jobs (e.g., 98,800 jobs in Michigan, 73,000 jobs in Missouri, 32,300 jobs in Kentucky, 46,200 jobs in Utah, and 116,000 jobs in Ohio). All told, service exports support 5.3 million American jobs.

Gary Winslett is an Assistant Professor of Political Science, Middlebury College.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/digital-trade-report/ Mon, 29 Nov 2021 20:18:04 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=31429 Digital trade presents huge opportunities for the UK. Just as Great Britain led the world in the first industrial revolution in the 1700s, we now have the chance to play...

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Digital trade presents huge opportunities for the UK. Just as Great Britain led the world in the first industrial revolution in the 1700s, we now have the chance to play a leading role in the digital revolution.

Digital technologies have already revolutionised the way companies do business – enabling them to reach a wider consumer base, trade more efficiently and cost-effectively, and to connect and grow their workforce across different regions of the world, sharing the benefits of prosperity. They have also been at the heart of how many of us have accessed services, purchased goods, kept in touch with loved ones or entertained ourselves over the last year, as the pandemic has illustrated just how important access to digital trade has become.

Digital trade is rapidly becoming the dominant form of trade. It has allowed British businesses selling goods or providing services to take what were previously local markets to a global scale. British companies providing innovative, high-quality digital services are continuing to expand around the world, from music streaming, video games and our award-winning creative industries to our strong legal and professional services sector. This is fundamental to our prosperity – in 2019, the digital sector alone contributed approximately £151 billion to the British economy, employing almost 5% of the national workforce.

Yet we cannot be complacent and simply wait for these opportunities to come to us. The road to our digital future is littered with potential barriers, whether in the form of poor digital infrastructure, the rising tide of digital protectionism, or the persistence of paper-based systems from the past. The international order has so far struggled to keep up with the pace of change, with the global rulebook on digital trade still largely unwritten. Digital trade needs champions who will make the case for a free, open and competitive international digital economy underpinned by bodog casino common rules on digital trade that promote growth and the free flow of data, while also protecting businesses and individuals.

My vision is for the UK to be one of those champions and a global leader in digital trade, building a global network of next-generation trade deals that drive productivity, jobs, and growth in all areas of the country, and across all sectors of the economy. We are already the second-largest services exporter in the world, meaning that we are ideally positioned to take advantage of this new way of doing business. We have highly competitive, world-leading digital and services sectors, the third highest rate of technology investment globally, exceptional talent, and a wide range of innovative businesses and start-ups using digital technologies to develop new products and sell them to worldwide markets. Digitalisation of global trade can also help turbocharge our goods exports, worth £372 billion in 2019. Our leadership can help ensure that digital trade enhances prosperity, uplifts communities, and empowers women not only in the UK but globally, including in developing countries.

Embracing the opportunities that digital trade offers will keep us at the forefront of the technological revolution, ensuring we lead the way in digital trade and capitalising on the benefits this can provide for Britain, for our trading partners, and for the world.

The Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP

President of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State for International Trade


To read the full report from The U.K. Board of Trade, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/digital-skills-us-economy/ Mon, 29 Nov 2021 14:59:21 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=31450 An increasingly digitalized global economy requires ever-more digitally skilled workforces for nations to remain productive. Unfortunately, domestic and international assessments of digital skills show the United States is lagging its...

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An increasingly digitalized global economy requires ever-more digitally skilled workforces for nations to remain productive. Unfortunately, domestic and international assessments of digital skills show the United States is lagging its competitors.

The global economy is increasingly digitalized. Oxford Economics estimated that in 2016 the digital economy accounted for 22.5 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). Going forward, analysts at the research firm IDC have estimated that as much as 60 percent of global GDP will be digitalized (meaning largely impacted by the introduction of digital tools) by 2022. Countries that wish to successfully compete in the global digital economy must cultivate workforces possessing the requisite digital skills so that industries, enterprises, and even individuals can thrive in the digital environment. This report explores the state of digital skills across the U.S. economy, examining what they are, why they matter, the current extent of workforce digitalization, and how the United States fares in international digital skills comparisons. It concludes by providing a brief overview of some of the best practices and programs being introduced by nonprofit, academic, and corporate organizations to deepen the U.S. digital skills base and suggesting policy recommendations to further foster U.S. digital skills development.


To read the full report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/winning-tech-competition/ Thu, 28 Oct 2021 18:12:32 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=30912 Talent is critical to innovation, and America’s deep pool of skilled scientists and engineers is a key component of its technological primacy. But today, for the first time in decades,...

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Talent is critical to innovation, and America’s deep pool of skilled scientists and engineers is a key component of its technological primacy. But today, for the first time in decades, U.S. leadership is under serious threat. Reaping the fruits of significant long-term investments, China’s supply of science, technology, Bodog Poker engineering, and mathematics (STEM) talent now rivals that of the United States, both in terms of quantity and quality. Given current trends, it is inevitable that China will overtake the United States in purely domestic terms—if it has not done so already. The most powerful—and perhaps only—lasting and asymmetric American advantage is its ability to attract and retain international talent, a feat China has not been able to replicate despite extensive efforts. But the U.S. government risks squandering that advantage through poor immigration policy. Without significant reforms to STEM immigration, the United States will struggle to maintain long-term competitiveness and achieve near-term technology priorities such as semiconductor supply chain security, leadership in artificial intelligence (AI), and clean energy innovation.


To read the full report from the Center for Strategic & International Studies, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/e-labels-trade-innovation/ Wed, 27 Oct 2021 16:41:43 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=31170 Displaying regulatory and other product information electronically is more practical than using small, confusing physical labels. But countries need to align their approaches to “e-labels” in order to maximize their...

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Displaying regulatory and other product information electronically is more practical than using small, confusing physical labels. But countries need to align their approaches to “e-labels” in order to maximize their benefits and avoid creating a new barrier to trade and innovation.
To read the full report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/digital-agreements/ Sun, 10 Oct 2021 16:20:42 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=31034 Rapidly expanding digital flows have significantly contributed to world economic growth. The exponential expansion of digital flows since 2005 has partially compensated for lethargic growth in global conventional trade and...

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Rapidly expanding digital flows have significantly contributed to world economic growth. The exponential expansion of digital flows since 2005 has partially compensated for lethargic growth in global conventional trade and foreign direct investment flows. COVID-19 accelerated the digital revolution in 2020, as businesses and consumers increasingly “went digital” in everything from online education and work to shopping. Many countries, particularly the United States, have enormous commercial and cultural interests in preserving the freedom of cross-border digital traffic. Strong international agreements can keep digital highways open, but agreements reached so far do too little to discipline government practices that threaten to restrict digital flows, allowing ample room for ideological and protectionist obstacles. A new and better agreement is necessary to safeguard the growth of digital flows.


To read the full report from the Peterson Institute for International Economics, please click here.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/services-goods-trade/ Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:01:52 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=29503 Services constitute at least a quarter of total trade. Between 2009 and 2019 global services trade increased by nearly 50%, compared to 18% for goods trade. Yet it is rarely...

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Services constitute at least a quarter of total trade. Between 2009 and 2019 global services trade increased by nearly 50%, compared to 18% for goods trade. Yet it is rarely taken as seriously as goods in global trade policy discourse. This is a problem when making the case for trade.

There seem to be three major reasons why services trade is not taken sufficiently seriously.

  • Definition: Politicians and specialists don’t fully understand what services trade involves and are then unable to elaborate the benefits of growing the sector – they may not even think of it as ‘real trade’;
  • Measurement: Difficulties in counting services leads to oddities like the two largest services exporters claiming a surplus with each other, or iPhones being considered a product when their services components are of much greater value;
  • Mutuality: Countries have found it difficult bodog poker review to demonstrate beneficial trade relations with other countries in services given that barriers are primarily regulatory in nature.

It is time to change the services narrative, to show that this is real and growing trade, and likely to increase in importance in the future. We need also to broaden the debate from generic consultancy or financial services to specifics like films or engineers. Developed countries particularly reliant on services trade should take that lead, tackling the problems and emphasising services as just as important as goods.


To read the full report from the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), please click here

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/barriers-cross-border-data-flows/ Mon, 19 Jul 2021 20:26:56 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=29046 For centuries information has flowed around the world, steadily increasing with the rise of international mail, the first transatlantic cables in the 1850s, and the first transatlantic telephone cable in...

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For centuries information has flowed around the world, steadily increasing with the rise of international mail, the first transatlantic cables in the 1850s, and the first transatlantic telephone cable in the 1950s. What is different now is that the Internet creates the potential to send large amounts of data quickly and at virtually no cost to almost any part of the world. Moreover, on this global network, sending data abroad costs no more than sending data domestically. COVID-19 has made clear that data flows are critical to the global economy, enabling both economic responses (e.g., data sharing for medical research, the monitoring and automated control of vaccine production facilities, and the adoption of digital services for business continuity) and societal responses (e.g., family video calls, contact tracing, streaming content for entertainment, and online shopping). Data flows will only continue to rise as more countries and sectors embrace digital transformation.


Nigel Cory (@NigelCory) is an associate director covering trade policy at ITIF. He focuses on cross-border data flows, data governance, and intellectual property, and how they each relate to digital trade and the broader digital economy.

Luke Dascoli is the economic and technology policy research assistant at ITIF. He was previously a research assistant in the MDI Scholars Program at the McCourt School of Public Policy’s Massive Data Institute. He holds a B.A. in Political Economy from Georgetown University.

To read the original research report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, please visit here

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/limits-transatlantic-technology/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 19:09:32 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=28824 The EU and the US plan to boost co-operation on digital policy. They should not prioritise regulatory harmonisation, and instead work on areas where mutual compromise is more realistic. When US...

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The EU and the US plan to boost co-operation on digital policy. They should not prioritise regulatory harmonisation, and instead work on areas where mutual compromise is more realistic.

When US President Joe Biden met EU leaders in Brussels in June, one of the most important things they agreed was that there should be increased transatlantic co-operation on technology policy. They announced the creation of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) – a new forum for discussion on technology standards and governance – and a formal dialogue on the thorny issue of competition in technology markets. Biden’s attention to digital issues, his willingness to work with the EU, and his stated commitment to shared values in the digital sphere are a relief to the EU after the Trump years. Europeans are also cautiously optimistic about resolving the dispute over digital services taxes, after the G7 agreed to amend international tax treaties to ensure digital giants can be bodog poker review forced to pay tax in the countries where they make sales. 

The fanfare about greater co-operation should be greeted with a degree of scepticism, however. Many past attempts at transatlantic policy co-ordination – such as the New Transatlantic Agenda, the Transatlantic Economic Council, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – sputtered out with little achieved. In some cases, these initiatives even caused major rifts in domestic politics on both sides of the Atlantic. The joint EU-US statement announcing the TTC and the competition dialogue suggests that Europe should not get carried away. For example, the statement contains little detail about how these dialogues will work in practice, reportedly because of internal disagreements on both sides about basic procedural details.


To read the full report from the Centre for European Reform (CER), please click here

Image from the Centre for European Reform.

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bodog online casino|Welcome Bonus_design expertise and supply /atp-research/digital-service-tax-and-competitiveness/ Wed, 07 Jul 2021 19:44:28 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=28743 In recent years, several countries around the world have implemented a tax on many digital services, ranging from online advertising and digital platforms to search engines and the trading of...

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In recent years, several countries around the world have implemented a tax on many digital services, ranging from online advertising and digital platforms to search engines and the trading of data. The tax is commonly called Digital Services Tax (DST). In Europe, Italy, Austria, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom all apply a tax rate varying between just a few percentages up to 5 percent on these digital services. Others have proposed a similar tax or are still considering it.[1] Obviously, the tax is controversial.

In this policy brief, we take a closer look at why some European countries have imposed DSTs but not others. The argument from countries that have introduced these taxes are that firms supplying digital services are not paying enough in tax. That may be true, but there is surely a richer explanation behind the fact that Austria, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK have introduced DSTs – but not other countries in Europe.

Other countries may be waiting for the result of the OECD talks about broader changes to corporate income taxation – and perhaps they are prepared to introduce their variant of a DST in the future. Still, what might be the reason these countries did not join forces with other European countries that went for the DST? Indeed, why did many of non-DST countries take a sceptical view of the EU proposal to have a Europe-wide agreement on taxing digital services? Are there explanations that are anchored in the relative competitiveness of countries?


To read the full policy brief from the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), please click here.

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