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Background Information

The Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) (hereafter the “Recommendation”) – the first intergovernmental standard on AI – was adopted by the OECD Council meeting at Ministerial level on 22 May 2019 on the proposal of the Digital Policy Committee (DPC, formerly the Committee on Digital Economy Policy, CDEP). The Recommendation aims to foster innovation and trust in AI by promoting the responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI while ensuring respect for human rights and democratic values. In June 2019, at the Osaka Summit, G20 Leaders welcomed the G20 AI Principles, drawn from the Recommendation.

The Recommendation was revised by the OECD Council on 8 November 2023 to update its definition of an “AI System”, in order to ensure the Recommendation continues to be technically accurate and reflect technological developments, including with respect to generative AI. On the basis of the 2024 Report to Council on its implementation, dissemination and continued relevance, the Recommendation was revised by the OECD Council meeting at Ministerial level on 3 May 2024 to reflect technological and policy developments, including with respect to generative AI, and to further facilitate its implementation.

The OECD’s work on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a general-purpose technology that has the potential to: improve the welfare and well-being of people, contribute to positive sustainable global economic activity, increase innovation and productivity, and help respond to key global challenges. It is deployed in many sectors ranging from production, education, finance and transport to healthcare and security.

Alongside benefits, AI also raises challenges for our societies and economies, notably regarding economic shifts and inequalities, competition, transitions in the labour market, and implications for democracy and human rights.

The OECD has undertaken empirical and policy activities on AI in support of the policy debate since 2016, starting with a Technology Foresight Forum on AI that year, followed by an international conference on AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies in 2017. The Organisation also conducted analytical and measurement work that provides an overview of the AI technical landscape, maps economic and social impacts of AI technologies and their applications, identifies major policy considerations, and describes AI initiatives from governments and other stakeholders at national and international levels.

This work has demonstrated the need to shape a stable policy environment at the international level to foster trust in and adoption of AI in society. Against this background, the OECD Council adopted, on the proposal of DPC, a Recommendation to promote a human-centred approach to trustworthy AI, that fosters research, preserves economic incentives to innovate, and applies to all stakeholders.

An inclusive and participatory process for developing the Recommendation

The development of the Recommendation was participatory in nature, incorporating input from a broad range of sources throughout the process. In May 2018, the DPC agreed to form an expert group to scope principles to foster trust in and adoption of AI, with a view to developing a draft Recommendation in the course of 2019. The informal AI Group of experts at the OECD was subsequently established, comprising over 50 experts from different disciplines and different sectors (government, industry, civil society, trade unions, the technical community and academia). Between September 2018 and February 2019 the group held four meetings. The work benefited from the diligence, engagement and substantive contributions of the experts participating in the group, as well as from their multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary backgrounds.

Drawing on the final output document of the informal group, a draft Recommendation was developed in the DPC and with the consultation of other relevant OECD bodies and approved in a special meeting on 14-15 March 2019. The OECD Council adopted the Recommendation at its meeting at Ministerial level on 22-23 May 2019.

Scope of the Recommendation

Complementing existing OECD standards already relevant to AI – such as those on privacy and data protection, digital security risk management, and responsible business conduct – the Recommendation focuses on policy issues that are specific to AI and strives to set a standard that is implementable and flexible enough to stand the test of time in a rapidly evolving field. The Recommendation contains five high-level values-based principles and five recommendations for national policies and international co-operation. It also proposes a common understanding of key terms, such as “AI system”, “AI system lifecycle”, and “AI actors”, for the purposes of the Recommendation.

More specifically, the Recommendation includes two substantive sections:

  1. Principles for responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI: the first section sets out five complementary principles relevant to all stakeholders: i) inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being; ii) respect for the rule of law, human rights and democratic values, including fairness and privacy; iii) transparency and explainability; iv) robustness, security and safety; and v) accountability. This section further calls on AI actors to promote and implement these principles according to their roles.
  2. National policies and international co-operation for trustworthy AI: consistent with the five aforementioned principles, the second section provides five recommendations to Members and non-Members having adhered to the Recommendation (hereafter the “Adherents”) to implement in their national policies and international co-operation: i) investing in AI research and development; ii) fostering an inclusive AI-enabling ecosystem; iii) shaping an enabling interoperable governance and policy environment for AI; iv) building human capacity and preparing for labour market transformation; and v) international co-operation for trustworthy AI.

2023 and 2024 Revisions of the Recommendation

In 2023, a window of opportunity was identified to maintain the relevance of the Recommendation by updating its definition of an “AI System”, and the DPC approved a draft revised definition in a joint session of the Committee and its Working Party on AI Governance (AIGO) on 16 October 2023. The OECD Council adopted the revised definition of “AI System” at its meeting on 8 November 2023. The update of the definition included edits aimed at:

  • clarifying the objectives of an AI system (which may be explicit or implicit);
  • underscoring the role of input which may be provided by humans or machines;
  • clarifying that the Recommendation applies to generative AI systems, which produce “content”;
  • substituting the word “real” with “physical” for clarity and alignment with other international processes;
  • reflecting the fact that some AI systems can continue to evolve after their design and deployment.

In line with the conclusions of the 2024 Report to Council, the Recommendation was further revised at the 2024 Meeting of the Council at Ministerial level to maintain its continued relevance and facilitate its implementation five years after its adoption. Specific updates aimed at:

  • reflecting the growing importance of addressing misinformation and disinformation, and safeguarding information integrity in the context of generative AI;
  • addressing uses outside of intended purpose, intentional misuse, or unintentional misuse;
  • clarifying the information AI actors should provide regarding AI systems to ensure transparency and responsible disclosure;
  • addressing safety concerns, so that if AI systems risk causing undue harm or exhibit undesired behaviour, they can be overridden, repaired, and/or decommissioned safely by human interaction;
  • emphasising responsible business conduct throughout the AI system lifecycle, involving co- operation with suppliers of AI knowledge and AI resources, AI system users, and other stakeholders,
  • underscoring the need for jurisdictions to work together to promote interoperable governance and policy environments for AI, against the increase in AI policy initiatives worldwide, and
  • introducing an explicit reference to environmental sustainability, of which the importance has grown considerably since the adoption of the Recommendation in 2019.

Furthermore, some of the headings of the principles and recommendations were expanded for clarity, and the text on traceability and risk management was further elaborated and moved to the “Accountability” principle as the most appropriate principle for these concepts.


The Recommendation instructs the DPC to report to the Council on its implementation, dissemination and continued relevance five years after its adoption and regularly thereafter.

2024 Report to Council

The DPC, through AIGO, developed a report to the Council on the implementation, dissemination and continued relevance of the Recommendation five years after its implementation, and proposed draft revisions drawing from its conclusions.

The 2024 Report concluded that the Recommendation provides a significant and useful international reference in national AI policymaking. The Recommendation is being implemented by its Adherents, is widely disseminated, and remains fully relevant, including as a solid framework to analyse technology evolutions such as those related to generative AI.

However, the 2024 Report found that updates were needed to clarify the substance of some of the Recommendation’s provisions, facilitate implementation, increase relevance, and ensure the Recommendation reflects important technological developments, including with respect to generative AI.

Further work to support the implementation of the Recommendation

In addition to reporting to the Council on the implementation of the Recommendation, the DPC is also instructed to continue its work on AI, building on this Recommendation, and taking into account work in other international fora, such as UNESCO, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the initiative to build an International Panel on AI.

In order to support implementation of the Recommendation, the Council instructed the DPC to develop practical guidance for implementation, to provide a forum for exchanging information on AI policy and activities, and to foster multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue.

To provide an inclusive forum for exchanging information on AI policy and activities, and to foster multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue, the OECD launched i) the AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI) as well as ii) the informal OECD Network of Experts on AI (ONE AI) in February 2020.

OECD.AI is an inclusive hub for public policy on AI that aims to help countries encourage, nurture and monitor the responsible development of trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for the benefit of society. It combines resources from across the OECD with those of partners from all stakeholder groups to provide multidisciplinary, evidence-based policy analysis on AI. The Observatory includes a live database of AI strategies, policies and initiatives that countries and other stakeholders can share and update, enabling the comparison of their key elements in an interactive manner. It is continuously updated with AI metrics, measurements, policies and good practices that lead to further updates in the practical guidance for implementation.



To read the recommendations as published by the OECD, please click here.

To read the full document, please click here.

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Continuity and Change in the World Trade Organization: Pluralism Past, Present, and Future /atp-research/continuity-change-wto-past-present-future/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 18:53:44 +0000 /?post_type=atp-research&p=39195 The post-neoliberal world will be one characterized by pluralism. – Rana Foroohar Is there life for the World Trade Organization (WTO) after neoliberalism? The WTO is often assumed to exist...

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The post-neoliberal world will be one characterized by pluralism. – Rana Foroohar

Is there life for the World Trade Organization (WTO) after neoliberalism? The WTO is often assumed to exist to provide “neoliberal standards and rules for interaction in the global economy.” What role might the WTO have in a post-neoliberal world, where maximizing the free movement of goods, services, and capital is no longer presumed to be the desired path to development and growth?

Today, the going wisdom is that the WTO is no longer fit for purpose, and even its supporters have suggested that major institutional reform is essential for its survival. While the WTO was once seen by many as the standard bearer for global economic governance, in recent years, the WTO has been hit by escalating critique from virtually all corners, and has been consigned to irrelevance by many. If, as a leading Financial Times business journalist has declared, “[t]he bottom line is that globalization as we’ve known it for the last half century is over” and “we need much more focus on the local,” the WTO appears fated to die, as some of its critics have already predicted, albeit slowly and painfully.

On this logic, the WTO’s Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12) in June 2022 in Geneva should have taken on the character of a funeral or wake. Instead, at the eleventh hour, after days of marathon negotiating sessions, the MC12 resulted in several significant multilateral agreements on issues such as WTO reform, e-commerce, fisheries subsidies, agriculture, and food security (the “Geneva package”). Still, some of these accords were merely undertakings to keep negotiating, or require additional talks to become final. So depending on your perspective, the MC12 either resurrected the WTO from the dead to live again, or merely kept a mortally wounded WTO on “life support.”

In this Article, we aim to contribute, as legal scholars, to the debate about the WTO’s future after the MC12, in a post-neoliberal world—a time that some have even described as “deglobalization.” Our objective is not to sketch a new, comprehensive model of global justice or global economic governance to suit the times. Instead, by focusing on the underlying legal architecture of the WTO, we want to suggest that the WTO’s legal order is already well-suited to pivot to a post-neoliberal world. It is fundamentally compatible with an era where no single governance paradigm has emerged to replace neoliberalism, and where states are actively experimenting with a return to strong domestic economic governance, including industrial policies, as well as what former Canadian international trade and foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland described as “values-based” domestic and regional trade policies, which take into account fairness to workers as well as principles of human rights and democracy.

In this Article, we argue that the WTO’s legal architecture is fundamentally pluralist, building in acceptance and respect for different political and economic systems, and different approaches to governance and industrial policies among diverse nations. Despite some troubling departures from pluralism during its history, such as the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS), taken together and understood in their best light, the WTO’s legal disciplines protect the normative, economic, political, and ideological diversity of states at the domestic level. This architecture allows states to be held accountable where they impose certain collectively sanctioned economic costs or harms on other states through their trade policies. But it simultaneously seeks to ensure that these constraints do not require the adoption of a particular model or system of social or economic governance by any WTO member state.

This claim that the WTO’s legal disciplines are not ideological does not mean, however, that they are “neutral” or value-free. As we shall discuss below, there is a normative logic to the WTO’s legal order, rooted in consensual political agreement that states should avoid imposing certain harms or costs on one another through trade policies, while otherwise preserving domestic regulatory differences. As Dani Rodrik describes the underlying logic: “[The] purpose was never to maximize free trade. It was to achieve the maximum amount of trade compatible with different nations doing their own thing.”

Our analysis also does not deny there have been problematic departures from this commitment to pluralism, particularly during and after the Uruguay Round, as we shall discuss. But these have been mitigated by the WTO’s Appellate Body (AB) case law, which has emphasized the need for a balance between liberalization commitments and the right to regulate. In this way, we shall argue, legal interpretation has played has an essential and constitutive role in the WTO’s commitment to pluralism.

Understanding the WTO’s future role as empowering diversity through pluralism is novel for trade law scholarship. We are not simply arguing that the WTO should protect or respect domestic policy space, that the WTO should merely return to its original legal disciplines as encapsulated in the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), or that the WTO should embrace embedded liberalism, although we incorporate elements of all of these important prior claims. Instead, our conception of pluralism is forward-looking, and offers suggestions for how to deepen the WTO’s commitment to pluralism by empowering more diverse actors to benefit from the gains of open trade. This means tackling obstacles to such opportunities, including those that do not look like typical trade “barriers.” For example, lack of availability of trade finance and of information technologies means it is much easier for large trading companies to benefit from the legal security the WTO provides than smaller or poorer economic actors, for whom the transaction costs of plugging in directly to the global economy and its opportunities may be prohibitive. Here we see existing initiatives at the WTO on inclusive trade, on trade and gender, and on micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises as pointing the way toward a more pluralist approach, as well as inclusive implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement on customs practices.

We proceed in four Parts. To understand where the WTO should go from here, we need to know where it came from. Thus, in Part I, we offer an introduction to the standard history of the GATT and the WTO. We describe the Organization’s origins with the GATT in 1947, and explain how its membership and mandate expanded over a series of negotiating “rounds,” culminating in the creation of the WTO in 1995, with the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. We also explain how the standard view of this history is that the move from GATT to WTO fully entrenched a nascent neoliberalism in the WTO’s legal disciplines.

This move from the GATT to WTO resulted in unprecedented levels of critique of the multilateral trading system. In Part II, we describe three waves of critique of the WTO as a legal order: what we will call the neoliberal critique, the Seattle critique, and the recent Washington critique. These three types of critiques, we argue, inform in various important ways contemporary debates about the WTO’s future and how to interpret the results of the recent MC12.

In Part III, we offer our own conception of the WTO as an international legal project by offering a rereading of its history and its legal architecture. We argue that the core of the WTO’s legal order protects the domestic pluralism of its member states by allowing them to define their own constitutional orders and industrial policies. We do this by analyzing several foundational aspects of the law of the GATT and the WTO, both procedural and substantive, which entrench pluralism. The identification of the WTO legal system with neoliberalism is therefore an error, although of course there are important deviations from pluralism in the WTO’s history. This pluralist approach, we argue, also requires legal interpretation guided by the notion that the goal or telos of the trade system is not to generate as much free trade or integration as possible, but rather to preserve a healthy balance between the gains from liberalization and the need to protect the diversity of domestic political and economic systems. As such, the AB’s jurisprudence has been crucial in “rebalancing” the WTO toward pluralism.

In light of this exposé of the resilient pluralism of the WTO’s legal architecture, we go on to consider what kind of life the WTO could or should have going forward. In Part IV, we return to the contemporary critiques of the Organization with our pluralist understanding of the WTO in hand. We argue that the neoliberal and Washington critiques of the WTO are largely misplaced, as they misunderstand the Organization’s institutional mandate and underlying norms; and that progressive, Seattle-type critics of the WTO may have to temper their expectations for reform. We also discuss the path forward for the WTO in a post-neoliberal world. We argue that there is a fit between this durable pluralist architecture and relaunching the WTO with a vision of positively facilitating pluralism, diversity, and experimentation in social and economic policy, as a guiding aspiration. This goal seems plausible, given the collapse or erosion of the neoliberal paradigm and the absence of some new emerging overall dominant ideology of globalism. But if pluralism is to become a lodestar, the formal acceptance of difference has to be supplemented by new initiatives that allow for broader inclusion in the global trading system and that redress the imbalance and inequity in the pattern of real winners and losers from the application of its rules. By restating pluralism as a guiding aspiration, we leave ample space for critique, if the WTO again finds itself coopted by the interests of powerful states or unable to move past the dominance of powerful lobbies such as Big Pharma, or where trade under its rules continues to reproduce an arguably inequitable distribution of the benefits and burdens.

Continuity and change in the world trade organization pluralism past present and future


To read the full article, please click here.

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