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The second round of trade talks between the United States and the United bodog casino Kingdom has ended with food standards, including safety, still high on the agenda.

Negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) took place from June 15 to 26 with the next session planned for the end of July. They began in May with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. The U.S. is the UK’s largest bilateral trading partner and biggest export market outside of the EU.

bodog poker review Trade Minister Liz Truss said there is no set deadline for any agreement.

“The government remains clear on protecting the National Health Service (NHS) and not compromising on the UK’s high environmental protection, animal welfare, and food safety standards,” she said.

“It would be deeply inappropriate for trade negotiations with the U.S. to commence at this time – or for bodog sportsbook review the foreseeable future. The UK government’s attention should be focused on dealing with the public health and economic crises which face our nation. We have multiple concerns about a trade agreement with the US – particularly in relation to food standards, animal welfare protections, and chemical and pesticide safeguards.”

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