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Carol Morello | Washington Post

bodog sportsbook review Rancorous relations between the United States and China grew more tense Wednesday when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notified Congress that Hong Kong no longer should be considered autonomous, a declaration that could have far-reaching ramifications in its trading relationship with the United States.

It will be up to President bodog poker review Trump to decide the next steps, which could include sanctions on Chinese officials, higher tariffs and visa restrictions. David Stilwell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia Pacific Affairs, said the administration has a “very long list” of options, but he refused to be more specific. Stilwell bodog casino said efforts will be made to target the pain on officials in Beijing while mitigating the impact on the people of Hong Kong and the United States.

“We’re not hurting anybody, we’re simply responding to what the PRC is doing,” said Stilwell, referring to the People’s Republic of China.

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