bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial Wed, 12 Aug 2020 15:52:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2018/08/android-chrome-256x256-80x80.png bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial 32 32 bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/alliance-power-for-cybersecurity/ Tue, 04 Aug 2020 15:37:16 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=22491 There is only one internet and only one cyberspace connecting individuals, enterprises, and nations all over the world. Even more frequently, this shared space is coming under attack from malicious actors,...

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There is only one internet and only one cyberspace connecting individuals, enterprises, and nations all over the world. Even more frequently, this shared space is coming under attack from malicious actors, both state and non-state, who are seeking to exploit cyberspace’s shared infrastructure for their own ends. Addressing cybersecurity threats is, therefore, an international problem that requires an international solution. But given the myriad of threats faced in the cyber domain and the ambiguous borders that exist there, how can states best address these challenges and ensure the safety of their own networks and people? 

In this new report from the Scowcroft Center’s Transatlantic Security Initiative, Cyber Statecraft Initiative senior fellow Kenneth Geers argues that the best way for democratic states to defend their own cyber networks is to leverage the multinational strength of political and military alliances like NATO and the European Union. Alliances like NATO give democracies an advantage over their authoritarian rivals by providing already established mechanisms for multinational cooperation. Alliances are therefore better equipped to tackle the inherently international challenges of cybersecurity.  

To illustrate the impact of alliances on cybersecurity, Geers uses events in Ukraine as a case study, comparing the Ukrainian government’s efforts to defend against Russian cyberattacks shortly after the 2014 revolution with measures taken in cooperation with partners to defend the 2019 presidential election. Geers illustrates how collective action in 2019 produced improved security outcomes compared to efforts taken by Ukraine alone. Building on these lessons, Geers argues that the only structures likely to produce tangible results in cybersecurity are those within political and military alliances. bodog online casino . The report then offers a series of recommendations on how NATO and the EU can promote trust and collaboration among Allies and partners to build a more effective cyber alliance.  

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bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/a-transatlantic-digital-trade-agenda-for-the-next-administration/ Tue, 30 Jun 2020 16:27:27 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=22172 CAN A NEW DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION RECONSTRUCT DIGITAL TRADE POLICY WITH EUROPE FROM THE ASHES OF TTIP? As the global leader in digital trade, the United States has a big stake...

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As the global leader in digital trade, the United States has a big stake in ensuring that international rules facilitating its continued expansion are put in place.

The Obama Administration’s bold agenda to establish these rules across Europe and the Asia-Pacific did not yield lasting success, with the failure of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations and the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Nonetheless, the key elements of US digital trade policy enjoy bipartisan policy support, providing a promising basis for the next Democratic administration to re-engage with Europe, our biggest digital trading partner.

Part 1 of this issue brief explains why international rules are needed to protect and facilitate digital trade. Part 2 describes the turbulent past decade in transatlantic trade relations and the growing importance of US digital trade with Europe. Part 3 explains why the US government and the European Union (EU), during TTIP negotiations, were unable to agree on a digital trade chapter, including a key provision guaranteeing the free flow of data. Finally, Part 4 suggests how two parallel sets of trade negotiations beginning early this year — between the EU and the United Kingdom (UK) and between the United States and the UK — may help a future US Administration end the transatlantic stand-off over digital trade.


To view the full report at Progressive Policy Institute, please click here

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bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/mexicos-higher-costs-under-usmca-may-potentially-offset-gains-from-china-related-trade-spurt-with-u-s/ Mon, 22 Jun 2020 19:13:16 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=21241 Approval of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) could change trade within the North American region, affecting output and weakening North America’s global competitiveness. At the same time, while Mexico is...

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Approval of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) could change trade within the North American region, affecting output and weakening North America’s global competitiveness. At the same time, while Mexico is achieving some temporary gains arising from trade tension between the U.S. and China, it stands to incur a substantial overall long-term economic cost.

A recent easing of global trade tensions has not come without critical change involving two of the U.S.’s largest trade partners: Mexico and China.

Talks aimed at easing underlying trade policy differences between the U.S. and Mexico and the U.S. and China concluded earlier this year with two agreements. The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which had been in place since 1994. It sets a new framework for North American regional integration among the three nations.

The U.S.–China Phase One deal included Chinese pledges for the purchase of U.S. farm products, safeguards for intellectual property, and the promise of further talks to reduce trade frictions between the two nations. The trade dispute has included successive rounds of tariffs since early 2018.

Taken together, the two agreements present challenges and opportunities for Mexico, both in the short term and long term, with regard to how it will bodog sportsbook review do business—including with Texas that counts its neighbor as its largest trading partner and as a key link in the production of intermediate and finished goods.

USMCA, while opening the possibility of further regional integration in areas such as digital commerce, is more restrictive than NAFTA in other sectors, such as the automotive sector, where lower Mexican output could adversely affect its gross domestic product (GDP). On the other hand, even with the latest agreement between the U.S. and China, ongoing policy differences between the two have prompted trade diversion toward Mexico, which has acquired an increasing share of the U.S. import market.

However, these positive effects of trade diversion may be short-lived and come with the cost of higher prices to consumers.

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Projections of the economic effects of new trade agreements, particularly of their short-term impact, are tentative given the high level of uncertainty that persists regarding trade policy and global growth. In this sense, rising protectionism across the world and within the North American region is one of the main risks confronting the global economy.

In particular, there is uncertainty regarding the extent of the distortions that measures such as tariffs and non-tariff barriers may pose for global trade, supply chains, and the international organization of productive processes. There is also uncertainty about the effects that tariffs and the deterioration in international trade conditions could have on the global economy and investment in the short and medium terms.

Finally, over a longer horizon, greater barriers to trade could lead to a reconfiguration of global value chains to the detriment of aggregate productivity as manufacturing moves away from the efficient allocation of the production of goods and services.

USMCA Auto Sector Effect

USMCA is more restrictive in some respects than NAFTA, particularly in the automotive sector. Under USMCA, the value of regionally sourced content has increased significantly. Additionally, there are new restrictions regarding the origin of steel, aluminum, and vehicle parts used in the production process and new requirements governing labor value content and the wages paid.

Specifically, USMCA stipulates several notable changes in vehicle production. The North American share of the value of automobiles and light trucks produced increases from 62.5 percent under NAFTA to 75 percent under USMCA and from 60 percent to 70 percent for heavy trucks.

Rather than applying NAFTA’s uniform content standard for vehicle parts, USMCA sets separate content requirements (the percentage that must be produced in North America) for three groups: core parts, such as engines and transmissions, 75 percent; principal parts, like electrical and electronic parts, 70 percent; and complementary parts, which include brake systems and miscellaneous parts, 65 percent.

At least 70 percent of the steel and aluminum used in the manufacture of automobiles and light trucks must originate in the U.S., Canada or Mexico.

Notably, requirements for labor value content were introduced in the updated agreement: 40 percent of the materials for automobiles and 45 percent of the content for light trucks must be produced by regional enterprises that pay workers at least $16 per hour. Since Mexican autoworkers currently earn about $7.30 per hour for auto assembly and $3.40 while making automotive parts, this new provision most directly affects Mexico.[1]

The USMCA requirements could make automotive production less efficient and decrease the competitiveness of the automotive industry across the North American region relative to the rest of the world, our estimates show.[2] Using a quantitative general equilibrium trade model—typically used to study the effects of trade reforms on the industry—we estimate the effects of the new requirements, comparing USMCA with NAFTA.[3]

In the baseline scenario, more restrictive rules-of-origin requirements will increase production costs that, in turn, will imply higher prices, reduced output, and a decrease in consumer surplus in the region (Chart 1, blue bars).[4] Furthermore, at the regional level, spending on the transport equipment sector will shift away from local producers and toward foreign suppliers of these goods.

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There are considerable losses of real output in the transportation manufacturing sector, as the whole region will reduce its output in the sector. While all countries in the region are negatively affected, Mexico stands to sustain the biggest loss both in terms of the absolute number of vehicles produced and GDP. The competitiveness of some assembly operations in Texas could be affected since facilities such as Toyota’s truck plant in San Antonio and the General Motors SUV unit in Arlington rely on Mexican parts.

Opting Out of USMCA Trade

It is also possible that the new auto provisions increase the burden of compliance to the point that firms opt out of using the benefits of the USMCA and prefer, instead, to source their inputs from the least-cost country (not necessarily from North America) and pay the most-favored-nation (MFN) tariff when exporting. Such a move would hurt regional suppliers. Thus, even in a mildly disruptive scenario, the increase in the rules of origin may increase regional content at the cost of lower North American competitiveness in the automotive industry. In a heavily disruptive scenario, the tougher rules could actually lead to a reduction in the overall regional content in the sector.

Using our model, we estimate the effects that opting out of USMCA could have on the auto sector by considering an MFN opt-in scenario in which all regional trade in the sector faces MFN tariffs. Our estimates imply that this scenario is harsher than our benchmark USMCA scenario, although not drastically so (Chart 1, orange bars). This suggests the possibility that any further tightening of the rules of origin requirements in the auto sector could create incentives for firms to opt-out of the USMCA as a means of conducting trade within the region.

Trade Diversion to Mexico

Trade conflicts between the U.S. and China have also been a factor behind Mexico’s recent export performance. Electrical and optical equipment, machinery, footwear, and textiles are among the sectors where the U.S. has imposed high tariffs on China and where Mexico competes with China for market share.

Thus, it is natural to believe that trade diversion could boost Mexican exports in some industries. Since the U.S.– China dispute began, China has lost market share in the U.S., and Mexico has recorded gains (Chart 2). Most of the market share that China lost in the U.S. involved goods subject to higher tariffs—the same set of goods in which Mexico achieved its largest gains of market share in U.S. imports (Chart 3).

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It is important to note that some of Mexico’s gains were in sectors in which China did not export to the U.S. Thus, it appears that Mexican exports have benefited from trade diversion, though perhaps not as much as some might have initially expected.

Notice that the declining share of Chinese imports in the U.S. has outpaced Mexico’s gains. In fact, the increases that Mexico has achieved due to trade diversion amount to only one-third of what China lost. Thus, trade diversion has benefited other countries too, as the rest of the world acquired a market share in the U.S. In particular, South Korea and Taiwan have also gained a considerable presence in the U.S. import market.

Mexico has gained not only in terms of the market share of U.S. imports. China’s market share losses positively affected Mexico’s manufacturing production in sectors in which China lost the most.

However, even though Mexico has been able to gain some output from trade diversion, this improvement has come at someone else’s expense since trade diversion entails an efficiency loss.

In this case, it seems that U.S. consumers have borne the loss through higher prices of imports. Mexico has realized higher prices for the type of exported goods that would have faced tariffs had they come from China. Prices for those Mexican exports to the U.S. increased relatively more than the export prices of goods unaffected by the tariffs.

While there is evidence suggesting that Mexico has, at the margin, benefited from trade diversion, these “gains” may be short-lived if trade tensions lead to a further slowdown of global economic activity, larger trade distortions, and a breakup of global value chains.

Estimates of a counterfactual scenario in which the U.S.–China trade dispute was persistent suggest that both the U.S. and China would sustain real output losses, while Mexico and Canada would increase production, albeit only marginally. However, prices would be much higher, particularly across North America. These higher prices would reduce the gains from globalization for consumers in the region.

Changing Trade Patterns

The adverse impact on economic activity, trade, and investment flows of an evolving and uncertain global trade environment is not surprising. However, calculating the magnitude of this effect is difficult. Mexico as a key U.S. trade partner is, not surprisingly, subject to the crosscurrents of trade tensions between the U.S. and China. These impacts are especially important for Texas, which counts Mexico as its largest trade partner.

Approval of the USMCA, an update to the almost quarter-century-old NAFTA, could by itself change trade. Indeed, costs—especially in the key automotive sector—will rise and tend to make North American products potentially less competitive than they might have been over the longer term, depressing Mexico’s GDP.

However, Mexico stands to gain, albeit in the short term, from trade tensions between the U.S. and China and the imposition of retaliatory tariffs that began in 2018. Mexico has been a beneficiary of trade diversion, accounting for a portion of what China previously supplied to the U.S.

The U.S.–China Phase One agreement that called a ceasefire to the dispute and a pledge for further trade talks make calculating the future benefit to Mexico difficult. The impact of disrupting the production of goods and services and the global value chains that they represent could exacerbate any broader economic slowdown, further trimming Mexico’s short-term gains and negatively affecting its trading partners.


  1. For more information, see “NAFTA Briefing: Review of Current NAFTA Proposals and Potential Impacts on the North American Automotive Industry,” by Kristin Dziczek, Michael Schultz, Bernard Swiecki and Yen Chen, Center for Automotive Research, April 2018.
  2. Estimates are derived from a model that can be used to analyze different counterfactual scenarios regarding changes in tariffs and trade costs among different countries and sectors based on two main data requirements: sector-level trade elasticities and expenditure shares between countries and sectors. For more information, see “Trade Theory with Numbers: Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization,” by Arnaud Costinot and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, Handbook of International Economics, Gita Gopinath, Elhanan Helpman, and Kenneth Rogoff editors, 2014, vol. 4, pp. 197–261.
  3. To properly interpret the results of this exercise, it is important to keep in mind that it only contemplates the general equilibrium implications of changes to the barriers that shape automotive trade in the region. The shift from NAFTA to USMCA contemplates changes in other sectors that are not considered for the purposes of this exercise but can have important macroeconomic consequences (i.e., reducing uncertainty). In addition, important assumptions were made in order to map regional value content and labor value content bodog sportsbook review requirements into the model. For more information about the modeling results, contact Alfonso Cebreros or Armando Aguirre.
  4. See note 2 for details of the methodology used to produce the estimates depicted in Chart 1.

To view the full report at the Federal Bank of Dallas , please click here

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bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/time-for-in-depth-policy-on-digital-trade/ Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:08:20 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=21113 In the wake of Covid-19, enterprises and consumers find themselves seeking alternatives to purchasing commodities remotely, through e-commerce. The first of the three common ecommerce approaches utilised in Kenya, is...

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In the wake of Covid-19, enterprises and consumers find themselves seeking alternatives to purchasing commodities remotely, through e-commerce. The first of the three common ecommerce approaches utilised in Kenya, is the third-party aggregated applications, e-stores or e-marketplaces, that provide a trading platform on the web for sellers; either consumer to consumer (C2C), business to consumer (B2C) or business to business (B2B).

The second one is independent companies that use applications to trade their products using B2C model. The third option leverages on the presence of courier companies where a buyer, using their mobile phone, places an order with the seller, makes payments often using mobile money then engages a courier service for delivery.

As established in the 2016 National ICT Survey, 39 percent of private enterprises in Kenya are engaged in e-commerce and 71 percent buy or sell goods and services via mobile phones. Therefore, majority of Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) may be utilising the latter approach.

Courier services are, therefore, essential components of e-commerce in Kenya. Kenya’s Communications Authority quarterly statistical reports establish that Kenya currently has 178 registered courier providers, a 44percent increase in ten years. These registered courier providers moved 2.8 million parcels last year. A great leap compared to 10 years ago when the number of parcels couriered in a year is equivalent to a single quarter in 2019. These statistics do not, however, include courier services rendered by informal and unregistered motorcycle operators, including boda bodas.

The growth in e-commerce has further been precipitated by ICT investments and reforms, such as fibre optic cables, which have contributed to improvements to the internet penetration rate from 25percent, 10 years ago to over 80percent today.

Other recent initiatives include reforming the legal framework, including Companies Act, Law of Contract Act, Stamp Duty Act, Kenya Information and Communications Act to facilitate digital economy. Many of these additional amendments were undertaken recently, with the enactment of the Business Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020. Other reforms include enhanced consumer protection provisions following the enactment of Consumer Protection Law in 2012.

Kenya’s Competition Act no. 12 of 2010 further protects consumers from unfair and misleading market conduct. Data Protection Act of 2019 may further enhance consumers’ confidence in transacting electronically. Consumer and data protection are critical given e-commerce is data-driven. In fact, companies use data to identify customers and market products. With the Covid-19 pandemic for instance, companies must adjust to the new demand patterns, which can be observed with correct consumer data.

The fourth possible enabler of e-commerce is mobile money solutions. The 2019 Kenya Digital Economy Blueprint report shows that 70percent of all e-commerce payments are through mobile money platforms. Further, as established in the 2016 enterprise survey, half (45percent) of MSMEs in Kenya transact using mobile money. Over a ten-year period, there has been a 600percent increase in the number and value of transactions undertaken using mobile money. As at end of 2019 for instance, there were 154.9 million transactions valued at Sh382 billion compared to 21.6 million transactions worth Sh52 billion as at end of 2009.

These statistics reveal that Kenya’s e-commerce is deepening.

Despite the growth, Kenya still has a digital divide, policy interventions should therefore be focused on promoting inclusion. Businesses participating in e-commerce, like traditional brick and mortar businesses, need to comply to licensing standards, intellectual property protection and consumer protection requirements as well as other regulatory aspects that are critical for digital trade including data protection, cyber security interventions and compliance to packaging standards and requirements, especially as relates to storage and transportation of food. This requires capacity and awareness.

Kenya’s industrial base however presents a challenge as relates to application of these laws given majority of Kenya enterprises operate informally (78.9 percent operate without a licence and 74.6percent have no business registration). A further 14percent of those that are unlicensed and have no fixed location and 19 percent are home-based.

E-commerce requires a well-developed logistics sector, warehousing facilities, good road and air transportation infrastructure as well as reliable and secure digital infrastructure.

Kenya has five advantages which are opportunities to be exploited: First, the Posta infrastructure throughout the country, which can form delivery points; second, the establishment of a National Addressing System that which would improve identification of locations through naming and numbering of streets; third is the National Optic Fibre Backbone (NOFBI). The recently launched manufacturing directory (by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers) and legal provision for an innovation database to be maintained by Kenya Innovation Agency are the last two.

Despite the existence of the regulatory and policy gaps, ecommerce is growing rapidly, especially in the wake of Covid 19. It is also apparent that further investments are bodog online casino required to bridge the digital divide. MSMEs participating in ecommerce need to build awareness on the relevant trade policies and regulations, especially in data and consumer protection to prevent unfair commercial practices and illicit trade such as trade of counterfeit goods.

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bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/why-digital-transformation-matters-for-taxation/ Fri, 12 Jun 2020 15:21:42 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=21679 If there is one universal lesson from the Coronavirus pandemic, it is the importance of digital agility. The past few months have shown businesses and governments alike that in the...

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If there is one universal lesson from the Coronavirus pandemic, it is the importance of digital agility. The past few months have shown businesses and governments alike that in the time of crisis, they need to be able to swiftly adapt their operating model. This pressure is particularly acute for tax administrations.  As the global recession places renewed emphasis on revenue strategy, tax administrations are finding themselves on the front lines of a rapid and intense digital transformation, finding ways to conduct everyday and emergency business while complying with mandates to maintain social distance.

Economies with already strong underlying information technology are proving to be more resilient than those without this infrastructure already in place.  At a recent event, I listened to officials from Cambodia and Kenya explain how their strong digital track records are paying off during the current crisis.

In Cambodia, which had previously established an enabling regulatory environment around digital financial services, citizens were already accustomed to sending and receiving payments digitally, making it possible for the government to add tax functionality on to the pre-existing digital payment platforms. Similarly, in Kenya, citizens’ relative comfort with digital payments led to a recent uptick in the use of its e-tax system. The Kenya Revenue Authority has also been able to rely on its digital systems to obtain real-time data on emergency-related shifts in consumer spending, which helps the agency to predict the impact on revenues.

But the type of digital transformation necessary to get to this level is comparable to moving a boulder to the top of a mountain. It’s a long, arduous process, and it’s possible to lose footing along the way. Many economies, especially developing countries, rely on deeply entrenched systems and fight an uphill battle when it comes to public trust. In fact, many of the world’s lowest-income economies struggle to collect enough taxes to cover basic state functions. Add a global crisis into the mix and these tenuous relationships between taxman and citizen are likely to fall apart.

The current crisis provides an opportune moment to rework revenue strategies to be more digitally driven.  Tax administrations must shift the focus from simply processing taxpayers’ data to proactively improving compliance, policies, and efficiency. Modern revenue strategies will, to a large extent, have to run on digital platforms because they are necessary to effectively pursuing critical policy objectives such as:

  • Broadening the tax base. Data-centric approaches can be used to close gaps and take advantage of missed opportunities without necessarily increasing the level of taxation. Such measures include: requiring e-commerce platforms to report sales in order to facilitate the collection of VAT and customs duties; analyzing past tax filings of citizens seeking relief under current stimulus programs to verify compliance; and supporting the collection of property taxes by matching the land registry with the taxpayer file.
  • Enhancing transparency and trust. Establishing electronic platforms for tax registration, filing, payment, and dispute resolution make processes clear for citizens, provide assurances that tax payments end up in an actual government account, and reduce the risk of officials abusing their discretion. Implementation of technologies such as the MIT-incubated OPAL (Open Algorithm) provides researches, think tanks, or any citizen the ability to independently analyze tax data without having access to personally identifiable information. This will provide unprecedented transparency.
  • Reducing the compliance burden. We know from a survey of 190 economies that it is getting easier for people and businesses to pay taxes. There are now 106 economies using electronic filing systems, double the number in 2004. Digital technology is reducing the time spent on paying taxes as well as the total number of individual payments taxpayers must make each year.
  • Improving administrative efficiency. As governments mature in their use of information technology, they will be able to achieve substantial efficiency gains. For countries beginning their digital transformation, AI-enabled data capture of paper-based records can speed up the digitalization and reliability of the data. Others find significant value through the simplification of procedures and matching of filing information with third-party data sets. For more advanced tax administrations, the use of advanced analytics to identify underreporting will be a key value driver. In the current crisis, some administrations are also rethinking their balance between offsite and onsite audits.
  • Advancing growth and other policy objectives. As the central depository of citizen data, tax administrations play an increasing role in advancing non-tax related objectives. For example, by using taxpayer data to: verify beneficiaries under cash transfer programs, monitor the consumption of goods with detrimental health impacts (e.g., alcohol and cigarettes), model tax policy responses to curb carbon emissions, identify growth drivers in the economy, detect labor market violations, and ascertain the well-being of vulnerable groups in society.

Progress toward these objectives has been uneven and the World Bank cannot get this “modernization boulder” to the top of the mountain alone. To Bodog Poker help countries accelerate digital transformation, we need partners with multidisciplinary expertise who can help pull while we push. To that end, we co-founded the Prosperity Collaborative. This new multi-stakeholder initiative is dedicated to helping countries create better tax systems through innovative technology. Together with EY, New America, MIT and the Boston Global Forum, we are just getting started on a journey to bring tangible benefits to developing countries.  Our current priorities are –

  • Developing global solutions to build capacity among developing countries and emerging market to undertake a successful digital transformation of their tax administrations;
  • Promoting thought leadership on tax and technology;
  • Exploring the creation of a mechanism to identify, prioritize, fund, and implement digital public goods for use by tax administrations;

By bringing these leading organizations together under the banner of the Prosperity Collaborative, we aim to create solutions that are well-targeted and easily replicable across different country contexts. Ultimately, we aim to create digital public goods that can be built once and deployed anywhere.

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bodog casino|Welcome Bonus_stands to incur a substantial /nextgentrade/the-impact-of-digitalization-on-trade/ Tue, 01 Oct 2019 02:16:16 +0000 /?post_type=nextgentrade&p=21096 The impact of digitalization on trade The digital transformation has reduced the costs of engaging in international trade, facilitated the coordination of global value chains (GVCs), helped diffuse ideas and...

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The impact of digitalization on trade

The digital transformation has reduced the costs of engaging in international trade, facilitated the coordination of global value chains (GVCs), helped diffuse ideas and technologies, and connected a greater number of businesses and consumers globally. But even though it has never been easier to engage in international trade, the adoption of new business models has given rise to more complex international trade transactions and policy issues.

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, governments are facing new regulatory challenges, not just in managing issues arising from digital disruption, but also in ensuring that the opportunities and benefits from digital trade can be realized and shared inclusively.

What is digital trade?

While there is no single recognized and accepted definition of digital trade, there is a growing consensus that it encompasses digitally-enabled transactions of trade in goods and services that can either be digitally or physically delivered, and that involve consumers, firms, and governments. That is, while all forms of digital trade are enabled by digital technologies, not all digital trade is digitally delivered. For instance, digital trade also involves digitally enabled but physically delivered trade in goods and services such as the purchase of a book through an online marketplace, or booking a stay in an apartment through a matching application.

Underpinning digital trade is the movement of data. Data is not only a means of production, but it is also an asset that can itself be traded, and a means through which GVCs are organized and services delivered. It also underpins physical trade less directly by enabling the implementation of trade facilitation. Data is also at the core of new and rapidly growing service supply models such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and additive manufacturing.

How is digitalization changing trade?

Digitalization increases the scale, scope, and speed of trade. It allows firms to bring new products and services to a larger number of digitally-connected customers across the globe. It also enables firms, notably smaller ones, to use new and innovative digital tools to overcome barriers to growth, helping facilitate payments, enabling collaboration, avoiding investment in fixed assets through the use of cloud-based services, and using alternative funding mechanisms such as crowdfunding.

Digitalization is also changing how we trade goods. For example, the growth of online platforms has led to a rising number of small packages being sold across international borders. This is giving rise to a range of issues for policy-makers, ranging from the physical management of parcel trade, through to the implications for risk management (such as in relation to counterfeit goods or biosecurity standards), and revenue implications in relation to the collection of taxes and tariffs.

At the same time, new technologies and business models are changing how services are produced and supplied, blurring already grey distinctions between goods and services and modes of delivery and introducing new combinations of goods and services. A smart fridge requires market access not only for the good but also for the embedded service. And an article produced by 3D printing, for example, may cross a border as a design service but becomes good at the moment of its consumption. Together, these issues pose new challenges for the way international trade and investment policy is made.

Rapid technological developments also facilitate the rise of services in international cross-border trade. Information and communication technology services form the backbone of digital trade, providing the necessary network infrastructure and underpinning the digitization of other types of services. New technologies have also facilitated the rise of digitally enabled services that are supported by a range of new services building on data-driven innovative solutions such as cloud computing.

In the world of digitalization, old trade issues may have new consequences – such as the impacts of cumbersome border procedures on parcel trade, or restrictions on newly tradable services – and new issues for trade policy are emerging, such as differing regulations among nations in relation to data flows. Further understanding of the nature and extent of these changes is needed to help policymakers create an environment bodog casino that nurtures innovation and promotes digital trade in goods and services.

What can policymakers do to help businesses operate globally in the digital world?

These changes are taking place at unprecedented speed. With growing interconnectedness and greater demand for just-in-time delivery, trade needs to be faster and more reliable than ever before.

For services, this means being able to deliver more rapidly and ‘on-demand’, often 24/7, so that consumers can have instant access to the services they need when they need them. For goods, this means using digital solutions for trade facilitation, helping goods move faster across borders.

However, there is also a growing discussion about whether there is a need to update or clarify existing trade rules and commitments. Trade rules are traditionally predicated on identifying whether products are goods or services and the borders they cross. But, in the digital era, these distinctions may not always be clear cut. Firms are now increasingly able to flexibly operate from different locations and to bundle goods with services, making it difficult to identify the particular trade rules that apply to specific transactions.

The OECD’s work on digital trade aims to contribute to ongoing debates by helping policymakers better identify and respond to emerging challenges arising from digitalization. This includes analysis on issues from defining and measuring digital trade, through what market openness means in the digital era, including in relation to services restrictiveness, to the implications of specific issues – such as data flow regulation, or new technologies such as 3D printing – for trade policy. The organization’s Going Digital Initiative, in turn, seeks to develop knowledge on digital transformation across topics to build a coherent and comprehensive policy approach to digital transformation.


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