Add to Calendar 2018/04/13 10:30 AM 2018/04/13 12:00 AM America/New_York Can the WTO be Saved From Itself? /events/can-the-wto-be-saved-from-itself/ Horizon Ballroom
Past event, WITA event

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Friday, April 13, 2018 at 10:30 AM - 12:00 AM (EST)
Horizon Ballroom Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20004

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Jennifer Hillman, Georgetown Law Center Bruce Hirsh, Tailwind Global Strategies LLC Terence Stewart, Stewart and Stewart Moderator: Warren Maruyama, Hogan Lovells  
  Jennifer A. Hillman is currently a professor of practice at the Georgetown Law Center, teaching the lead courses in international business and international trade, while serving as a fellow of Georgetown’s Institute of International Economic Law (IIEL). She recently published Legal Aspects of Brexit: Implications of the United Kingdom’s Decision to Withdraw from the European Union (IIEL 2017), drawn from a seminar she co-taught in the fall of 2016. She bodog online casino has also written extensively about international trade law and the WTO, including a 2017 IIEL Policy Brief on the WTO consistency of the Ryan-Brady “A Better Way” tax proposal, co-authoring the leading casebook on trade, International Trade Law, 3rd ed., Wolters Kluwer (2016), papers on recent WTO cases on sanitary and phytosanitary measures (World Trade Review) and “Changing Climate for Carbon Taxes” ( Hillman has had a distinguished career in public service, both nationally and internationally. She recently completed her term as one of seven members from around the world serving on the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body. Prior to that, she served for nine years as a commissioner at the United States International Trade Commission (USITC), rendering decisions in more than six hundred investigations regarding injury to U.S. industries caused by imports that were dumped or subsidized, along with making numerous decisions in cases involving alleged patent or trademark infringement. Before her appointment to the USITC, Hillman served as general counsel at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), where she had previously been an ambassador and chief textiles negotiator. She also served as legislative director and counsel to U.S. Senator Terry Sanford of North Carolina. Hillman formerly served as a partner in the law firm of Cassidy Levy Kent, a senior transatlantic fellow for the German Marshall Fund of the United States, as president of the Trade Policy Forum and on the selection panel for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on the board of visitors at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. She is a graduate of the Harvard Bodog Poker Law School and Duke University. Bruce Hirsh is Principal and Founder of Tailwind Global Strategies LLC, which provides strategic advice on global government relations matters, with a particular focus on international trade and regulatory issues. Bruce has nearly three decades of experience developing and implementing solutions to complex global problems both in the United States and internationally. With the benefit of 18 years in leadership positions in the Executive Branch and Congress, Bruce works at the nexus of policy, process, and personalities to advance solutions and achieve results for businesses seeking to expand their footprint in key markets and achieve their policy priorities. Over the course of his government career, Bruce developed U.S. government positions, initiatives and legislation on a variety of topics and built broad-based coalitions in the WTO, APEC and elsewhere to advance initiatives internationally. Prior to establishing Tailwind, Bruce worked as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Japan, Korea, and APEC, where he negotiated Japan-related provisions of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and represented the United States at Senior Official meetings under APEC and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. He also developed and successfully executed strategies for addressing market access and regulatory hurdles in collaboration with private sector stakeholders. As Deputy Assistant USTR for WTO and Multilateral Affairs, he was lead U.S. negotiator for WTO Trade Facilitation, helping to set up the successful conclusion of the first multilateral WTO agreement in two decades, the Trade Facilitation Agreement. From 2011 to 2014, Bruce was Chief International Trade Counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, where he was Chairman Max Baucus’s bodog online casino principal advisor on international trade and economic matters and advised Members of the Committee and the Democratic Caucus on these issues. In that role, he negotiated the Baucus-Camp trade promotion authority legislation. Bruce also served at USTR as Chief Counsel for Dispute Settlement and as Legal Advisor to the U.S. Mission to the WTO in Geneva, Switzerland. Before joining USTR in 1998, he practiced law in Washington, DC and Tokyo, Japan. Terence P. Stewart is the Managing Partner of Stewart and Stewart, having joined his father and founder, Eugene L. Stewart, upon graduation from law school in 1979. Mr. Stewart’s practice focuses on international trade matters. He brings to his clients a wealth of experience, having been involved in hundreds of trade remedy cases and having helped shape trade policy in both the United States and abroad. Mr. Stewart assists clients with international trade matters through the pursuit of trade remedies before administrative agencies, courts, and dispute settlement bodies of international organizations. Additionally, he pursues clients’ interests through the development of legislative options on trade-related issues and the evaluation of regulations and practices of countries where clients are active. Mr. Stewart also provides clients with insight on the opportunities and challenges presented by trade agreements and promotes clients’ interests during negotiations. More broadly, Mr. Stewart practices administrative law at the federal level and judicial review of administrative determinations, including appellate advocacy in non-trade areas. Mr. Stewart regularly reviews and analyzes policies and trends in international commerce and economics. He has written extensively on and edited numerous publications concerning international trade issues, Bodog Poker including unfair trade laws, GATT/WTO issues, trade and investment, and trade relations with China and other trading partners. Among his more than 100 publications are The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History (1986-1992)(Vols. I-III); The End Game (Part I)(Vol. IV), widely cited in many WTO proceedings. Other notable publications that Mr. Stewart authored, co-authored, or edited include: The World Trade Organization: The Multilateral Trade Framework for the 21st Century and U.S. Implementing Legislation (American Bar Association 1996), Export Practice: Customs and International Trade Law (Practising Law Institute 1994 & Supp. 1998), Handbook of WTO/GATT Dispute Settlement (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers), After Doha: The Changing Attitude & Ideas of the New WTO Round (Transnational Publishers, Inc. 2002), WTO Antidumping and Subsidy Agreements: A Practitioner’s Guide to “Sunset” Reviews in Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the United States (Kluwer Law International 1998), Handbook on WTO Trade Remedy Disputes: The First Six Years (1995-2000) (Transnational Publishers, Inc. 2001), Rules in a Rules-Based WTO: Key to Growth; The Challenges Ahead (Transnational Publishers, Inc. 2002), and Opportunities and Obligations: New Perspective on Global and U.S. Trade Policy (Kluwer Law International 2009). Mr. Stewart is a frequent speaker at conferences in the United States and around the world. Mr. Stewart is a past President of the Federal Circuit Bar Association and is a past President of the Customs and International Trade Bar Association and has been a member of the Steering Group of the International Trade Committee of the American Bar Association’s International Law Section. He has served on the Advisory Council of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit bodog sportsbook review and on the U.S. Court of International Trade Advisory Committee on Rules, including as its Chairman. Mr. Stewart served as an advisor to the Government of Ukraine for roughly a decade during its efforts to accede to the World Trade Organization. He has received an Honorary Degree Order of Merit of the 3rd Degree from the Government of Ukraine, an Honorary Doctorate from the Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade and an Honorary Doctor of Political Science from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mr. Stewart also served several years on the Permanent Group of Experts established by the WTO’s Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Warren Maruyama, a Partner at Hogan Lovells, focuses his international trade practice on assisting clients in dealing with cutting-edge trade policy challenges, including the Trump Administration’s efforts to renegotiate NAFTA and negotiate bilateral trade agreements, and its threats to impose higher duties on U.S. companies and U.S. trading partners, as well as efforts by U.S. and multinational firms to use U.S. trade policy mechanisms and WTO disputes to address unfair market access barriers. Warren has assisted clients in successful efforts to address market access barriers in U.S. and foreign free trade agreements (FTAs), such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Brexit, China’s WTO accession, and the U.S.-Korea and U.S.-Australia FTAs. He has been selected as an arbitrator for the U.S.-Korea and U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreements. Warren is recognized for his strategic vision, ability to develop sophisticated, innovative solutions to trade challenges, and insider’s knowledge of U.S. trade law and the U.S. trade policy process. From 2007 to bodog poker review 2009, he served as USTR General Counsel, overseeing WTO dispute settlement challenges to foreign trade barriers, Doha Round dumping negotiations, and USTR’s participation in the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue and U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade. He negotiated the so-called “May 10” agreement between the Bush Administration and Congressional Democrats to resolve a decade-long impasse over the role of labor and environmental protections in U.S. FTAs, which cleared the way for approval of President Bush’s FTAs. Warren served on the White House policy staff from 1989-1992, and helped develop President George H.W. Bush’s NAFTA, Uruguay Round, Super 301, and Steel Trade Liberalization initiatives. He was an Associate General Counsel at the USTR from 1983-1989, where he successfully litigated GATT and U.S.-Canada FTA disputes, and served as the lead U.S. negotiator for the Uruguay Round Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM) negotiations.