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U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Through the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the U.S. Government (USG) accelerates the flow of private capital to less developed countries by supporting private sector investments that cannot obtain financing from other sources. This support is essential to advancing key sectors, such as infrastructure, agriculture, and health, which improve the quality of life for millions and lay the groundwork for modern, inclusive, and sustainable economies. bodog sportsbook review Equipped with new financial tools, DFC has the flexibility to catalyze private capital to spur development, advance U.S. foreign policy, and generate returns for the American taxpayer—a triple impact.

DFC’s Roadmap for Impact (Roadmap) takes into account global development needs to establish portfolio-wide development priorities. The Roadmap identifies opportunities to increase private investment in low-income countries (LIC) and lower middle-income countries (LMIC)—targeting 60 percent of total portfolio projects in LICs, LMICs or fragile states. It also recognizes the importance of supporting projects that are significantly bodog poker review developmental or that target the most vulnerable populations in upper middle-income countries (UMICs). In addition, the Roadmap defines priority cross-cutting development themes and sectors, and it establishes investment goals and development metrics in order to focus DFC’s investment activities and measure our progress.

The Roadmap outlines capabilities and resources that are required to achieve these development goals, with an emphasis on enhanced coordination within DFC and across USG initiatives, departments and agencies, development finance institutions (DFIs), international financial institutions bodog online casino (IFIs), and other members of the development community. It also emphasizes the importance of transparency and enhanced social and environmental standards in the design and sustainable execution of DFC-supported projects in order to demonstrate that the U.S.-led model of development advances the best interests of Americans, host countries, and the planet whenever we invest.

The Roadmap does not reflect an exhaustive list of the sectors where DFC invests; rather, it focuses on sectors where DFC investments and technical assistance can have the greatest, measurable development impact over the next five years. Working closely with newly created U.S. bodog online casino Embassy deal teams, particularly with the Departments of State’s and Commerce’s DC Central Deal Team, as well as with DFC liaisons at U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) missions worldwide, DFC can expand its client base and broaden the markets it serves. It will not be easy; and it will require additional resources, private capital to invest alongside, changes to processes, and patience. But DFC is committed to prioritizing the most highly developmental projects in the most underserved communities worldwide.

To download the full report, please click here.

DFC's Roadmap for Impact