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European Commission

This 39th Report gives information on the EU’s anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard activities, as well as the trade defence activity of third countries against the EU in 2020, in line with bodog sportsbook review the Commission’s reporting obligations.

The European Union is committed to open rules-based trade, supported by the tools to defend European industry against unfair trade practices. The Commission ensures that where industries are harmed because of unfair practices, such as dumped and subsidised imports, they can rely on the EU’s trade defence instruments to provide an effective response.

bodog casino Ensuring fair trade conditions for European producers also means dealing with trade defence actions taken by third countries against the EU, which reached their highest level in 2020.

While 2020 presented new and unique challenges in global trade, the Commission adapted and responded to these challenges and those posed by existing and new unfair trade practices and continued its enforcement bodog casino of the EU’s trade defence instruments.


To read the full report from the European Commission, please click here.