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The European security architecture has been in ruins since the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Adherence to the rules of international law, recognition of state bodog online casino borders, respect for the sovereignty of states – all these foundations of the international order, as they have existed since the end of the Cold War, have been unhinged by Russia’s war of conquest and destruction against its neighbor.

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For the past year, Ukraine has been resisting Moscow’s unprecedented excesses of violence. It is supported by NATO member countries, the European Union, and some 20 other states, such Bodog Poker as Japan and South Korea. With regard to military aid deliveries to Ukraine, Kiev’s supporter states are repeatedly faced with the same trade-off: How many and what weapons systems does Ukraine need to repel Russian aggression as well as defend its state sovereignty – and what are the risks of further drastic Russian escalation? What are the consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine for the security of European bodog poker review states – and beyond? These are the main topics that will be discussed at the Security Conference. As always in Munich, on an open stage and in front of the whole world.

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Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works for People, European Commission

Katherine Tai, Trade Representative, United States of America

Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management, BMW AG

Moderator: Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist

To watch the full conference videos, please click here.