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bodog poker review Joe Mayes | Bloomberg

The U.K. and India will kick off negotiations on a free-trade deal on Thursday, the latest post-Brexit prize for Britain as it seeks to deepen economic ties outside the European Union.

U.K. Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan is set to meet her Indian counterpart, Piyush Goyal, bodog online casino in New Dehli, starting talks on an agreement that Britain hopes will help double its trade with India by 2030, according to a statement from the U.K.’s Department for International Trade.

“A trade deal with India’s booming economy offers huge benefits for British businesses, workers and consumers,” Prime Minister bodog casino Boris Johnson said in the statement. “We are seizing the opportunities offered in growing economies of the Indo-Pacific to cement our place on the global stage.”

To read the full article by Bloomberg, please click here.