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BBC News

The US is to block key Bodog Poker exports from China’s Xinjiang region due to allegations that they are produced using forced labour.

The proposed bans include cotton and tomato products which are two of China’s major commodity exports.

The Trump administration has been ratcheting up pressure on China for its treatment of Xinjiang’s Uighur Muslims.

bodog online casino In recent years China has massively increased security in Xinjiang, citing a threat of separatism and terrorism.

By some estimates up to a million people have been detained without trial for minor infractions, in what China says are re-education camps.

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is currently preparing Withhold Release bodog poker review Orders which allows it to detain shipments based on suspicions of forced labour involvement.

The law is aimed at combating human trafficking, child labour and other human rights abuses.

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