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Lionel Laurent | Bloomberg

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In late 2016, Liam Fox, bodog casino then the U.K.’s secretary of state for international trade — a new job created in the aftermath of the Brexit vote — declared the birth of a “post-geography trading world.” With technology breaking down the barriers of time and distance, there was no need to fret about the U.K. leaving the European Union, the world’s biggest single market and free trade zone sitting at its doorstep.

Whatever economists assumed were the gravitational benefits of being geographically part of Europe would be easily outshone by trade with other continents no matter how far away.More than three years later, with Brexit now a reality, we’re still waiting for that post-geography, post-gravity world.

bodog online casino A new Bloomberg Economics analysis of trade between the U.K. and EU shows that the 27-country bloc was by far the Brits’ largest trading partner last year, with 436 billion pounds ($567 billion) in flows of goods. On a single-country basis, Britain’s trade with Germany was almost on par with its U.S. level. An analysis of 2018 data also shows that the EU is the top export destination for U.K. services.

Whether because of time zones, face-to-face meetings, or the close relationship between services and goods, proximity still seems to matter for all trade.This suggests a big economic incentive to keep a close post-Brexit trade relationship. Indeed, both sides have talked up the goal of Bodog Poker “zero-tariff, zero-quota” trade as they embark on discussions to seal a new relationship.

With less than 11 months to go to avoid reverting to bare-bones World Trade Organization terms, why would Britain bet on a “post-geography” world that hasn’t materialized? Boris Johnson has “got Brexit done,” won a majority in the U.K. parliament, and is enjoying an economic rebound. Sacrificing trade with the U.K.’s most important and closest partner looks like self-harm, especially when his government’s own 15-year economic forecasts don’t expect a U.S. trade deal to offset the potential damage.

Yet U.K. negotiator David Frost this week painted a rather different picture bodog online casino of Britain’s incentives, which seem just as influenced by “post-geography” optimism as in 2016. He dismissed any notion that gloomy economic forecasts on post-Brexit trading barriers were being taken seriously in Whitehall, saying that number-crunchers had exaggerated the impact of non-tariff barriers (i.e. regulation) and custom fees “by orders of magnitude.”

He said economists were predicting “implausibly large” effects on the island nation’s productivity, as a result of false causality. And he said the future upsides of increased trading with the rest of the world were being ignored.The message from Frost isn’t just that old-school economists shouldn’t be trusted.

bodog online casino It’s that even after 47 years of beneficial free trade with the EU as a member, the U.K. doesn’t seem to think the cost of reversing that is prohibitive — even with a return to WTO terms. The target of the message is the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, who’s made painfully clear that if Britain wants deep access to the EU’s markets, then it must commit to a level playing field on environmental, labor and state aid rules.

Frost signaled the U.K. would be incentivized to choose a distant trade relationship in response, and finally free itself from the regulatory alignment with the EU that Johnson once called a “moral and intellectual humiliation.”


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