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Many believe the current U.S. export control system, although crucial, has become a multi-layer unwieldy behemoth that no longer bodog poker review serves the national security of the United States.  The cornerstone of the on-going Export Control Reform Initiative is to overhaul the control lists. Our expert panel will focus on the progress of revising the two control lists, the national security benefits of clearer control lists, the proposed structure of the revised United States Munitions List and the Commerce Control List, and the engagement bodog online casino and role of the Congressional oversight committees. The panel will also discuss the Export Control Reform Initiative’s prospects for the ultimate objectives of the “four singularities”:  single licensing agency, single control list, single IT platform, and single primary export enforcement department. What is the timeline to complete all the administrative actions?  What will the future export control bodog casino system look like?  What hurdles remain in the reform process?

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Brian NILSSON, Director, Non-Proliferation (Export Controls) National Security Council Staff; Larry CHRISTENSEN, Member, Miller & Chevalier; Ian FERGUSSON, Specialist in International Trade, CRS;  and Gregory SUCHAN, Commonwealth Consulting Corp., former Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for Defense Trade Controls. With your Moderator:  Lauren AIREY, Director, Trade Facilitation Policy, National Association of Manufacturers.